Treasurer’s Report – October 2016
Reconciliations and Reporting
I have provided the following reports for this for this meeting dating from the June to October.
- Profit and Loss
- Balance Sheet
- Activity Statement
There have been some old invoices that have been paid recently that have not previously been presented to the Treasurer for payment. This looks like we have spent more in the last few months than we actually have.
It would be appreciated if all invoices could be provided to the Treasurer as soon as practical in future.
Account Balance
The balance of the BOQ account is $8,274.
Outstanding Invoicing
I still have invoicing to be completed for Hall Hire for some hirers. There are some accounts that have outstanding balances in the software from last year.
I have asked the Julie the bookkeeper to have a look at some if these and see if she can better understand this before i approach the hirers.
Julie has reversed all entries for the year and together we have reconciled them all again to eliminate the chance that they were not reconciled properly initially.
I expect that we will have this resolved and up any outstanding invoicing by next month.
I believe that we still need to find further ways of raising revenue.
I understand that there are a number of activities that are planned by the citizen’s auxiliary which will help with raising funds and our profile.
Auxiliary Events
I would like to see a budget and list of approved expenses for future events that will be managed by the Auxiliary President as there have been some adhoc expenses that have been submitted that have decreased the effectiveness of some of the past events.
Hall Rental
The rates for our hall rental seems very low. Whilst i don’t wish to create any increase in costs being a barrier to hire I think that it is worthwhile reviewing our current rates and agreements.
Recently there was an incident where a hirer had a stand in for her class while she was away. Their new person set off the alarm and we had to attend the premises. This meant that we paid the travel allowance of $20 for someone to attend the hall that was more than the cost of the hire was for the session. We need to ensure that we are not funding the support of the hall hire. This applies to new hire and call outs.
Our rates for one-off events or casual hire don’t cover off on the costs of us having to visit the hall for viewing and then arranging access, keys etc.
I believe that we need to look at some sort of admin fee, minimum cost or some way to cover off the effort and expense for this.
Our rates for one off events is significantly lower that other venues for what we offer. I would like to review this and create a more appropriate structure for the hire. Then we could begin to promote the hall for events.